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Competitive pressure, demographic change, digitization — all of this poses major challenges for publishers and publishers.

Digital services or print — both have a future!

Digitalization is hitting some industries particularly hard — including the publishing and media industries.
Newspaper publishers and magazine publishers face many challenges. Around 30% of readers of daily newspapers are now 70 years and older; when it comes to e-papers, they are 60 years and older.

There are numerous topics that media companies must focus on. They are rarely able to do this without external support. We are therefore very proud to have already gained extensive experience with FUNKE, MediaPrint and HAAS media group.

Data as a solution to the challenges of the publishing world

Our long collaboration with the HAAS media group underlines the success of our joint work and the importance of the data.

“The knowledge gained is of great value to us”, says Daniel Noll, Head of CRM & BI at HAAS Media Group. “They form the basis for further digitizing our company and using data to further optimize our business processes, products and services.”

Find more information in the Case study with HAAS or from MediaPrint, FUNKE media group and many more.

Haas AG and The Data Institute

The media industry is changing: We will guide you into the future

The media landscape is constantly changing. To be successful in this dynamic environment, publishers must focus even more on their customers and make data-driven decisions.

360 degree customer view

Individual customer profiles: We help you develop a comprehensive understanding of your readers. Through targeted data analyses, you can identify which content your customers are really interested in and how you can win back lost subscribers.

Personalized offers: With our solutions, you can offer your customers individual content that is tailored exactly to their interests.

Artificial intelligence as a growth driver

Automation and efficiency: AI takes on routine tasks and enables your employees to focus on creative and value-adding activities.

Smart content: AI helps create high-quality content, such as personalized newsletters or intelligent search functions.

Precise target group approach: Through precise analyses, you can address your target groups even more precisely and optimize your marketing campaigns.

Group finds new ideas for print

The publishing industry is also facing major challenges internally.

Traditional publishers are often large companies with established processes. This provides stability, but can also hinder innovation. We help you take advantage of your existing structures and develop new business models at the same time.

Business models are reaching their limits and digital transformation requires new ways of thinking and processes.

We help you overcome these challenges:

Data quality and consolidation: We create a solid database for decisions.

Data literacy: We train employees so that they can fully utilize the potential of their data.

Cultural change: We support you in the development of a data-driven corporate culture.

Technical infrastructure: We help you select and implement the right technologies.

Tradition meets innovation

We help you take advantage of existing structures and develop new business models at the same time. We achieve this, for example, through the following services:

Data audit: We analyze your existing processes and technologies to achieve rapid results.

Data culture: We promote a positive data culture where employees are motivated to work with data.

Contact us and let us make your data a success together.

Individual solutions: We tailor our solutions exactly to your needs.

Comprehensive expertise: We have many years of experience in data analysis for the media industry.

Customer centricity: The customer is at the center of everything we do.

Future-oriented solutions: We support you on your way to the digital future.

Are you ready to take the next step?