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Consulting services of
The Data Institute

Our consulting and technical services cover the entire data value chain.

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Data Audit

Our data audit provides objective insight into your data maturity. We analyze data culture, architecture, and organization to uncover optimization potential. Tailored recommendations included.

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Data Strategy

Establish a future-oriented data strategy for your company. We help you define goals, optimize processes and create a data-driven culture. Boost your competitiveness

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Data Organization

Together, we optimize data organization for greater efficiency. We help define roles, establish data governance and improve decision-making processes. With the aim of increasing data usage in companies.

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Data Culture

Build a successful data culture in your company. We support you in process optimization, KPI alignment and development of a data strategy. Encourage innovation and data-driven decisions.

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Data Architecture

Optimize data architecture for better decisions and scalability. We help you improve data quality, adapt to modern technologies and standardize.

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Customer Centricity

The expectations of your customers should not only be met, but exceeded. This can be made possible not only by friendly customer service, but above all by measuring and responding — through data.

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Machine Learning

Better forecasts, optimized decision-making, personalization and the basis for artificial intelligence don't sound like a fairy tale, but the intelligent use of data. And that ensures long-term competitiveness, higher sales and optimization of spending.

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Data Governance

Establish effective data governance in your company. We help you define roles, processes and guidelines. Optimize your data usage and meet legal requirements.

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Reporting & Business Intelligence

A common understanding of data in a company is created not only through a vision, but above all through dashboards and reporting solutions that all employees can handle.

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Marketing & eCommerce

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