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Unleash data.
Transform media.

The media landscape is changing rapidly - and data is the key to success.

At The Data Institute, we are your experts for digital transformation in the media sector.

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Challenges in the media industry

Silo structures

Working in isolated departments that share little to no data and information with each other.

These silo-like structures prevent a holistic view of the data and hinder collaboration, and the lack of integration of data from different departments limits the potential for comprehensive analyses and strategic decisions.

Outdate technology

Many media companies still work with traditional, silo-like structures and outdated technologies that hinder innovation and efficient work.

These obsolete technologies can make it difficult to integrate new, modern data analysis tools and platforms, which limits the company's ability to innovate.

Unstructured data

Media companies often have to deal with a large amount of unstructured data that is difficult to analyze and use.

This data must first be structured and processed, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive

Lack of scalability

Older systems and processes are often not scalable and cannot keep pace with the growing volume of data and increasing requirements.

The lack of scalability means that media companies are unable to process and analyze large volumes of data efficiently, which impairs their competitiveness.

Wer are breaking down data silos and creating the digital infrastructure for media companies of the future.

In a media world that is increasingly complex and data-driven, you need a partner who can do more than just technology.

The Data Institute understands the unique challenges of media companies and develops customized solutions that turn your data into strategic advantages, bridging the gap between technological innovation and media creativity. With our holistic consulting and cutting-edge technologies, we help you break down data silos, optimize processes and develop new business models.

We achieve these goals together

We gain control of your data and create the basis for success!

Our methodology breaks through habitual thought patterns in media companies. We identify potential where others only see data silos: in networked editorial systems, personalized content strategies and data-driven monetization models.

Through targeted data engineering and strategic analysis, we transform raw data into valuable insights - and thus create new opportunities for media companies to understand, engage and monetize their target groups.

More about our services.

Gain clarity

We give you a comprehensive overview of your data: Origin, flow, use, security, and quality - all at a glance.
We create transparency where previously there was a lack of clarity.

Our data analysis uncovers hidden connections, visualizes complex data flows and makes the dynamics of your information landscape tangible. From origin to use: we bring light into the darkness of your data architecture.

Identifiy potential

Together we find the weak points and inefficiencies in your data management and organization. Identification of individual focus topics in the areas of organization, culture and architecture.
We analyze your data landscape with a 360-degree perspective. Through targeted diagnostics, we uncover optimization opportunities that others overlook. Inefficiencies in processes, technologies, and corporate culture are precisely identified and transformed into strategic development opportunities.

Prioritize Use Cases

From data chaos to strategic clarity: We help you prioritize the most impactful use cases that drive immediate business value and long-term transformation.

Our systematic approach transforms your data potential into actionable strategies. We evaluate and rank use cases based on strategic alignment, technical feasibility, and potential ROI. By focusing on high-impact initiatives, we ensure that your data investments deliver measurable results and create competitive advantages.

Well-founded decisions

Make informed decisions with reliable data. Understand your customers and markets better than ever. Develop data-driven strategies that lead to success.

We transform raw data into actionable intelligence, enabling you to make strategic decisions with unprecedented confidence. By combining advanced analytics, machine learning, and deep industry insights, we provide a comprehensive decision-making framework that goes beyond traditional reporting. Our approach turns complex data into clear, meaningful insights that drive your business forward.

Together we create clarity in these areas


This aspect describes the “who?” in a data-driven organization. Clear roles and responsibilities within a customized structure are the key to success.


Data culture describes the “how?” of working with data. Processes and collaboration between relevant stakeholders are at the heart of this aspect.


The architecture focuses on the “with what?” and describes both the selection of technology and the translation of the relevant business processes into an individual data model.

Verabschiede Dich vom Datenchaos.

Deine Organisation hat Unmengen an Daten, aber wissen nicht, wie man sie gewinnbringend nutzen kann?

Ein Data Audit ist für alle Unternehmensbereiche von Nutzen, die mit Daten arbeiten oder von datengetriebenen Entscheidungen betroffen sind.

Wir suchen Verstärkung für unser Team

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Offene Stellen

Diese Ziele erreichen wir gemeinsam im Audit

  • Gewinne Klarheit:
    Verschaffe dir einen lückenlosen Überblick über deine Datenlandschaft – Herkunft, Fluss, Nutzung, Sicherheit und Qualität deiner Daten auf einen Blick. Erkenne, wo deine Daten versteckt sind und wie sie aktuell genutzt werden.
  • Identifiziere Verbesserungspotenziale:
    Decke Schwachstellen und Ineffizienzen in deiner Datenverwaltung auf. Erhalte konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen zur Optimierung deiner Datenprozesse. Eliminiere Datenredundanzen und schaffe Platz für wirklich relevante Informationen.
  • Verbessere die Entscheidungsfindung:
    Triff fundierte Entscheidungen auf Basis zuverlässiger und qualitativ hochwertiger Daten. Verstehe deine Kunden und Märkte besser denn je. Entwickle datengetriebene Strategien, die zum Erfolg führen.
  • Steigere den ROI:
    Nutze deine Daten effektiv, um die Effizienz zu steigern und Kosten zu senken.
Data Team Mike Kamysz Thomas Borlik Data Services

The services for your company

Would you like to analyze all data strands in your company and learn how you can best use this bundled data for growth? Get in touch with us and we'll go through your topics together.

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